The Colloquium hosts a series of Pre-Colloquium events geared toward building capacity in local communities to serve the needs of Black males in education. Every effort is made to develop outreach opportunities that engage constituents (e.g., parents, community organizers, students) that might not normally participate in a research gathering, but can greatly benefit from learning how research can empower them to work with Black males in education. The operational philosophy of the Colloquium is to engage with and give back to the communities that serve as hosts. The Colloquium leadership actively fundraises to ensure these Pre-Colloquium activities are available at reduced or no cost to participants.
The Policy Round Table is an invitation-only event designed for key decision-makers most well-positioned to inform country-wide policies impacting Black males in education. Led by Drs. Jerlando F. L. Jackson and James L. Moore III, this working dinner exposes attendees to transformational proprietary tools that include: (a) data
analytics, (b) benchmark metrics, and (c) a learning relationship management system to drive country-wide transformation post-Colloquium.
Community Conversations is a forum open to the local community of concerned citizens that is designed to cultivate broad-based discourse on key and relevant topics associated with Black males in education. The forum features: (a) subject-matter expert demonstrations, (b) community-based reaction panels, and (c) questions and answers period.
The Black Female Forum is designed to facilitate discussions of the
interconnectedness and intersectionality of the experiences of Black females and Black males. Led by Dr. Tamara Bertrand Jones of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the forum provides a space to discuss (a) Black women’s roles on impacting education and the community, (b) how Black women’s positionality influences their research on Black boys and men, (c) how Black men’s issues affect the entire Black community, and (d) how Black men and women can work together to create a joint agenda that positively impacts the Black community. Open to Black women and those interested in the topic, the Black Female Forum will create a collective consciousness through engaging dialogue and analysis.
The Writing Workshop is designed to support scholars, both early career and senior, committed to conducting research closely aligned with the mission of the International Colloquium on Black Males in Education. Led by Dr. Brian A. Burt of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the workshop will focus on developing: (a) a productive writing approach and (b) strategies for successful academic publishing.
The College Academy is a college readiness workshop conducted by precollege and college experts that will prepare students for competitive admission into higher education institutions. Led by Daniel Thomas, primary emphasis will be placed on the value of postsecondary education, the variety of college options available, college readiness (i.e., academic, social, cultural, and personal), assessments of college admission materials, and funding opportunities. The College Academy will also offer insight into accessing local and national resources and support systems to gain exposure, garner experience, and build a competitive college portfolio.
The Graduate School Academy (GSA) provides opportunities to undergraduate participants that enhance their academic and professional profiles. Led by Dr. Sherri Charleston of Harvard University and Dr. Catherine Chan of University of Wisconsin-Madison, faculty and staff from a variety of academic and administrative positions cover themes including: (a) graduate school preparation, challenges, and opportunities; (b) implications for future academic careers; and (c) developing action plans for future collaborations and initiatives to enhance the graduate education experiences of Black graduate students. While undergraduate students are a primary target of the GSA, graduate students and professionals alike are welcome to participate in and benefit from these workshops.